Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence

  A Metis-Specific Gender-based Analysis Framework for Health


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The research and publication of this study were funded by the Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence (PWHCE). The PWHCE is financially supported by the Centre of Excellence for Women's Health Program, Bureau of Women's Health and Gender Analysis, Health Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the PWHCE or the official policy of Health Canada.

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D. Barron-McNabb

The Federal Government is committed to the development and use of Gender-based Analysis (GBA). Health Canada's Bureau of Women's Health and Gender Analysis (BWHGA) is mandated to promote, co-ordinate and evaluate the implementation of a systemic GBA within Health Canada. To be most effective, gender-based analysis should take into consideration the complexities of women’s and men’s lives, and the intersections of biological features (sex), roles and responsibilities (gender), with culture, geography, and other factors1. At present there is no Métis-specific Gender-based Analysis Framework for health. Noting that, Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence2 (PWHCE) undertook to develop a culturally relevant Métis specific genderbased analysis framework for health that could be used by Health Canada, the federal government and others, and that could serve as the basis for further work on Métisspecific GBA related to health policy and research.

The purpose and intent of this project is to draft and develop one option of what a culturally relevant "Métis specific gender-based analysis framework" document could look like for consideration and application in Health and other GBA processes. In respect to building upon the expertise and knowledge of previous work done with the Métis, this document is timely for Health Canada and is intended to be:

  • A draft culturally relevant Métis specific gender-based analysis framework document for health for review and consideration by any interested parties;
  • A document that will both complement and serve as an addition to the on-going work of the Bureau of Women's Health and Gender Analysis in culturally relevant gender-based analysis;
  • Incorporated in a planned-for Culturally-relevant Gender-based Analysis Toolkit;
  • Most critically (due to the federal government’s commitment timelines), ensure that a Métis specific GBA component can be included in Federal Government processes in health and other dialogues;
  • Utilized by the Federal Government;
  • Widely available for use by not only the Federal government, but also Métis and other organizations, agencies, researchers and individuals, as well as for provincial governments, non-governmental organizations, political and other bodies; and
  • A jumping off point to assist Métis peoples’ participation in moving forward themselves, with a Métis specific GBA process.
Intended Audience - Métis Peoples and Organizations, Federal Government and others.

This framework provides definitions, history and background information. Establishing how the Métis population is distinct from other Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in Canada, legally and culturally, sets the context for the development of future tools and guides that can further the process and application of GBA in health research, policy and planning.

1 Gender-based analysis examines and illustrates which life factors are relevant to the question at hand, be it income, race, gender power relations, and so on.
2 Prairie Women’s Health Centre of Excellence supports and conducts community-based and policyoriented research.

Editors’ note: PWHCE acknowledges that some of the definitions for “Métis Nation” and “Métis” contained in this document are not agreed upon by the entire Métis population. As the author states, this document is intended to be a starting place for further discussions and work on Métis-specific gender-based analysis.

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