Le Centre d'excellence pour la santé des femmes – région 
          des Prairies
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Strategies for Saskatchewan Women
A Response to the Saskatchewan Status of Women Office on the Summary of Input to the Action Plan for Saskatchewan Women
Centre d'excellence pour la santé des femmes - région des Prairies
Pour information:

Centre d'excellence pour la santé des femmes - région des Prairies
56, The Promenade
Winnipeg (Manitoba) R3B 3H9
Cette étude a été subventionnée par le Centre d'excellence pour la santé des femmes - région des Prairies (CESFP). Le CESFP est financé dans le cadre du Programme de contribution pour la santé des femmes, lui-même administré par le bureau pour la santé des femmes et l'analyse comparative entre les sexes à Santé Canada. Les opinions exprimées ici ne reflètent pas nécessairement le point de vue du CESFP ni la politique officielle de Santé Canada. 
Rapport complet (en anglais) format PDF (252Kb)

Strategies for Saskatchewan Women
A Response to the Saskatchewan Status of Women Office
on the Summary of Input to the Action Plan for Saskatchewan Women


This document provides a response from the Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence (PWHCE) to the "Summary of Input to the Action Plan for Saskatchewan Women" distributed by the Saskatchewan Status of Women Office (SSWO) in January 2003.

The PWHCE response first provides some feedback about the description of the SSWO's information-gathering process and the Forum held in November 4, 2002. PWHCE's general agreement with the Action Plan for Saskatchewan Women (APSW) Vision and Principles is then noted. Following that is a compilation of PWHCE's suggestions for issues that should be addressed by the APSW to be added to those previously identified in the SSWO's "Summary of Input". Finally there are some suggestions for the Glossary of Terms.

Appendix A contains the following for each of the four APSW Goals:

  • the suggestions for issues to be addressed;
  • relevant Priorities and Strategies from the PWHCE Action Plan for Women's Health in Manitoba and Saskatchewan;

  • a list of relevant PWHCE publications.

A complete list of the Priorities and Strategies from the PWHCE Action Plan is included in Appendix B. Appendix C contains a recent list of PWHCE projects and reports, and contact information.

Rapport complet (en anglais) format PDF (252Kb).

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Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence

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Centres of Excellence